Reed & Terry, L.L.P.

How Lane Splitting Can Lead to Motorcycle Accidents

Dec 15, 2017 @ 03:55 PM — by Jackson Reed
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents Auto Accidents

Motorcyclists are more vulnerable to catastrophic and fatal injuries on the road than other motorists. The lawyers at Reed & Terry, LLP have helped many victims of motorcycle accidents throughout the greater Sugar Land and Richmond area. We offer compassionate legal counsel, always with a focus on fairness.

While some motorcycle collisions are the fault of a negligent car or truck driver, others may be the result of recklessness on the part of a motorcyclist. Lane splitting, for instance, can increase the risk of a collision occurring. Let's cover the basics of this practice and the Texas laws regarding it right now.

What Is Lane Splitting?

Lane splitting is the practice of a motorcyclist riding between lanes while on the road. This may occur while on the highway or city among moving traffic, or even in traffic while other vehicles are at a standstill.

As you can imagine, lane splitting can pose a number of hazards given how close a motorcyclist rides beside other vehicles.

Is Lane Splitting Legal in the State of Texas?


Lane splitting is not allowed in Texas in any form. In fact, lane splitting is illegal in the vast majority of states in the country. There have been some attempts in the Texas legislature to pass bills to permit lane splitting, but these have proven unsuccessful so far. The only state that permits lane splitting is California.

Even though lane splitting remain illegal, you might notice people on motorcycles engage in lane splitting regardless. Ultimately, this may be a bad idea because of the potential dangers that are involved.

The Dangers of Lane Splitting

There are some significant reasons why lane splitting is so dangerous:

Use Common Sense When on Your Motorcycle

If you're a motorcyclist, be sure to play it safe. Rather than risk an accident or a ticket, avoid lane splitting and remain safely in your lane.

Exercise Additional Caution When Driving Near Motorcycles

For motorists not on motorcycles, be sure to exercise additional caution when a motorcyclist is nearby. Check your mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes or making turns. Extra caution can literally save a life.

Speak with Our Lawyers About Your Case

If you would like more information about motorcycle accident and auto accident lawsuits, we encourage you to contact an experienced personal injury and accident attorney. The legal team at Reed & Terry, LLP is here to help you in your time of legal need.