Reed & Terry, L.L.P.

Essure® Lawsuit

Feb 28, 2018 @ 10:43 AM — by Jackson Reed
Tagged with: Product Liability Defective Medical Devices

When a patient goes in for medical treatment, they are putting their health and safety in the hands of the medical professionals that are providing their care. Unfortunately, even when a patient receives quality care from the medical staff, they may face complications as a result of defective medical devices. Defective medical devices can lead to adverse side effects, severe health complications, or even death. The team of lawyers at Reed & Terry, LLP, have years of experience fighting against large medical manufacturers to ensure our clients are justly compensated for losses stemming from medical device complications. We are currently working on an Essure® lawsuit so that those from the Sugar Land, TX, area who have suffered injuries or complications after undergoing an Essure® procedure can receive the compensation they are due for damages.

What is Essure®?

Essure® is a form of female sterilization that promises to provide patients with long-term birth control without the use of a surgical incision. During an Essure® procedure, small coils are placed in the woman’s fallopian tubes. These coils consist of steel and nickel titanium. Surrounding these metal coils are synthetic fibers that help the implants stick to the body’s natural tissues. Essentially, the goal is that scar tissue will form around the Essure® implants. This scar tissue will hold the devices in place and create a barrier to block out sperm so that it cannot reach and fertilize the woman’s egg.

Essure® Complications

Essure® was approved by the FDA in 2002. Since then, there have been consistent complaints of complications and adverse side effects. As a result of the thousands of complaints received, Bayer (the manufacturer of Essure®) was required by the FDA to conduct a clinical study on the safety and efficacy of Essure®. This study, which was conducted in 2016, resulted in Essure® being forced to add a black box warning label to their product. A black box warning label indicates that the product may cause serious injury or death. Some complications and side effects that have been frequently reported by women who underwent an Essure® procedure include:


Women who have experienced complications or adverse side effects as a result of an Essure® procedure may be due financial compensation for their losses. Potential avenues of compensation for a defective medical device include the cost of any necessary medical treatment, lost wages from time spent away from work due to injuries, and pain and suffering. The attorneys at Reed & Terry, LLP, can work with victims of Essure® injuries to ensure they receive maximum compensation for the full extent of their losses.

Contact Us

If you have dealt with complications of an Essure® procedure, you may be due financial compensation for your losses. Contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss the details of your case with one of the experienced defective medical device lawyers at Reed & Terry, LLP. We look forward to hearing from you.