Reed & Terry, L.L.P.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics: Looking at the Numbers

Sep 18, 2018 @ 09:30 PM — by Jackson Reed
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents Auto Accidents

Whenever someone gets on a motorcycle, they must acknowledge that they are more likely to get involved in serious accidents than other vehicles on the road. Motorcyclists are not as protected as other motorists, so the risks of serious injury are much, much higher. Our Sugar Land, TX law firm has helped countless survivors of motorcycle accidents as well as the loved ones following fatal collisions.

The lawyers of Reed & Terry, LLP know that statistics can put the world into perspective. With that in mind, attorneys Jackson Reed and Travis Terry would like to look over some important numbers about motorcycle crashes. The numbers mentioned below all come from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Nationwide Motorcycle Injury Statistics

According to NHTSA numbers, there were approximately 88,000 motorcycle accident injuries in the United States in 2015. This is down from 92,000 estimated injury accidents recorded for 2014. As of now, motorcycle accident numbers are unavailable for 2016.

Nationwide Motorcycle Fatality Statistics

In 2016, the NHTSA recorded 5,286 motorcycle accident fatalities. This number is up from 5,029 motorcycle accident fatalities in 2015. The number of motorcycle accident fatalities in 2016 is the highest figure recorded by the NHTSA since 2008.

Motorcycle Accidents and Age

While one might think that motorcycle accidents are most common among young riders, the NHTSA notes that 47 percent of motorcyclists killed in 2015 were 40 years old or older. In fact, the average age of a motorcyclist killed in an accident is 42.

Comparing numbers from 2006 and 2015, there has been a 17 percent increase in motorcycle accident fatalities for the 40-and-over age group.

Speeding and Motorcycle Crashes

Speeding plays a significant role in auto accidents in general. Some statistics suggest that 25 to 30 percent of vehicle collisions are the result of speeding. Among motorcyclists killed in accidents, 33 percent of these fatalities were related to speeding. By comparison, speeding played a role in 19 percent of passenger car fatalities and 15 percent of fatal light-truck collisions.

Alcohol Use and Motorcycle Accidents

Drinking and driving is never a good idea. Given the coordination and reactions times required to safely operate a motorcycle, impairing your reflexes and decision-making skills could be deadly.

In 2015, 1,285 motorcyclists killed in crashes were alcohol impaired at the time, meaning they had a BAC of .08 or higher. That is 27 percent of fatalities. In addition, 337 killed motorcyclists (3 percent) had lower amounts of alcohol in their system, meaning a BAC below 0.08.

Statistics on Motorcycle Accident Times

Based on recorded accident times in 2015, fatal motorcycle accidents were slightly more likely on weekdays (2,556 fatalities) than on weekends (2,415 fatalities). Weekday fatal accidents were most likely between 3pm and 6pm (606 fatalities), while weekend fatal accidents were most likely between 6pm to 9pm (595 fatalities).

Injury accidents were more likely on weekdays (approximately 51,000) than on weekends (approximately 37,000). As with fatal collisions, injuries were most common on weekdays during the commute hours of 3pm to 6pm (approximately 14,000) while weekend injuries were most common between 6pm and 9pm (approximately 11,000).

Contact Reed & Terry, LLP

For more information about your legal options following a motorcycle collision, be sure to contact our team of injury accident lawyers. Our law firm is here to help you. The Sugar Land, Richmond, and Katy offices of Reed & Terry, LLP can be reached by phone at (281) 201-0988.