Reed & Terry, L.L.P.

Truck Accidents and DUI

Oct 28, 2018 @ 07:45 PM — by Jackson Reed
Tagged with: Truck Accidents Auto Accidents

No one should drink and drive. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 29 people are killed every day because of drunk drivers. That’s one death every 50 minutes. With impaired reflexes, senses, and decision-making skills, drunk driving greatly increases the risks of injury accidents and fatal collisions. These dangers are compounded when drunk driving plays a role in large truck accidents.

Attorneys Jackson Reed and Travis Terry have helped numerous auto collision victims in the greater Katy, TX area. They have experience with DUI crashes as well as litigation against commercial truck drivers and trucking companies. The legal team at Reed & Terry, LLP would like to go over the dangers of drunk driving and large truck crashes, and how negligent parties are held accountable for their actions.

BAC for Commercial Truck Drivers

For most drivers, the legal limit on BAC is .08. Commercial drivers need to be held to a different standard, however. For any drivers with a commercial driver's license (CDL), the BAC is .04.

This lower legal limit for commercial drivers makes sense. Since their livelihood involves driving, they must demonstrate sobriety and good decision-making skills at all times behind the wheel. They should be held to a higher standard simply given the nature of their job and the amount of time they spend on the road. It is a common sense safety measure.

Truck Drivers Should Not Drive Drunk

Drivers of large trucks already have a number of concerns operating their vehicle. Not only are their vehicles large and cumbersome, they must also note major blind spots and be extra attentive of nearby motorists. If a truck driver is drunk, their recklessness behind the wheel can lead to catastrophic crashes.

Additionally, drunk driving could contribute to a truck driver falling asleep behind the wheel, which is a major danger given the already increased risk of driver fatigue among people in the commercial trucking industry.

Looking at Truck Driver’s Record Before Hiring

Truck drivers aren’t the only parties that need to be held accountable in these cases. Trucking companies should also be held liable if their hiring practices did not sufficiently screen drivers’ records. If a truck driver has a history of drunk driving, crashes, and other kinds of moving violations, they should not be hired for a trucking job.

If a company’s negligent screening practices result in an at-risk driver being put on the road, the company should have to answer for their reckless decisions and the tragic impact it is has on others.

Holding Drivers and Trucking Companies Accountable

When filing a personal injury lawsuit against negligent truck drivers or negligent trucking companies, it’s important to have an attorney on your side. Their knowledge of traffic laws, injury accident litigation, and the way that civil law works will prove invaluable in your fight for damages. Whether the case is settled out of court or goes to trial, we will be here to help you, offering peace of mind through sound legal counsel and representation.

Learn More About Truck Accident Lawsuits

For more information about your legal rights and options following a truck accident, be sure to contact our team of injury accident lawyers. The law firm of Reed & Terry, LLP is here to help. You can reach our locations in Sugar Land, Richmond, and Katy by phone at (281) 201-0988.