Reed & Terry, L.L.P.

Traumatic Brain Injury and Sports

Sep 19, 2019 @ 11:00 AM — by Jackson Reed
Tagged with: Personal Injury

People participate in sports for a number of reasons, including having fun, spending time with friends, and maintaining an active lifestyle. While sports can be a great source of entertainment, they can also be dangerous. Sports injuries should be a serious concern for all athletes.

A traumatic brain injury is one of the most common sports injuries. A traumatic brain injury can compromise cognitive and physical functions, as well as alter mood and personality. In severe cases, the effects of a traumatic brain injury can be permanent. Victims of traumatic brain injuries involving sports in the Sugar Land, TX, area can work with the attorneys at Reed & Terry Law Firm to learn about their right to financial compensation for damages.

Classifying Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury describes a hit, jolt, or penetrating head injury that compromises the normal functions of the brain, either temporarily or permanently. Although all of these types of injuries are described as “traumatic,” some are more serious than others. Typically, a traumatic brain injury is classified as either mild, moderate, or severe.

Which Sports Are Most Dangerous?

Any sport has the potential to cause a traumatic brain injury, but some involve a higher degree of risk. According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the five sports with the highest number of estimated head injuries, based on emergency room visits to U.S. hospitals in 2009 are:

  1. Cycling
  2. Football
  3. Baseball and softball
  4. Basketball
  5. Watersports (including diving, swimming, water polo, and surfing)

Damages from Traumatic Brain Injuries

Victims of traumatic brain injuries may suffer from a range of losses. Most notably, traumatic brain injuries can result in physical pain; emotional suffering; and cognitive, physical, or mental disabilities. Common symptoms of traumatic brain injuries include:

Traumatic brain injuries often require consistent and continual medical treatment. The cost of medical treatment adds up quickly, and financial losses will be impacted even further if injury victims are unable to work, either temporarily or permanently. Our attorneys will consider physical, emotional, and financial losses when seeking compensation for our Sugar Land clients.

Who Is Liable for Damages?

Liability for traumatic brain injuries related to sports varies from one situation to another. Some injuries may be caused by the reckless or negligent actions of another person or party, while others may be linked to defective sports equipment, such as a defective helmet. Our Sugar Land attorneys will closely examine all the details of a case to determine who should be held accountable for resulting damages.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has developed a traumatic brain injury linked to sports, you may be due financial compensation for your losses. To discuss your legal options in further detail, contact us at your earliest convenience. You can also schedule a personal consultation with one of the attorneys at Reed & Terry Law Firm by calling (281) 201-0988.