Reed & Terry, L.L.P.

What To Do After a Motorcycle Accident

Nov 8, 2022 @ 10:00 AM — by Jackson Reed
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents Auto Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are some of the most damaging types of collisions. Motorcycles lack a protective frame and many other safety features that automobiles have to minimize injuries in a crash. When someone suffers physical, emotional, or financial damages related to a motorcycle accident, liable parties should be held accountable.

The steps taken in the aftermath of a motorcycle accident can have a big impact on the strength of a personal injury claim. Here, the lawyers from the Reed & Terry Law Firm, which serves individuals from Sugar Land, TX, Katy, TX, and Richmond, TX, discuss what to do after a motorcycle accident to present a strong case of liability.

Seek Medical Attention

Motorcycle riders are especially vulnerable to injuries in a crash because they have nothing but a helmet and riding equipment to protect them from the force of the accident. If any injuries are present after a crash, seeking medical attention should be the top priority. Even if there are no obvious injuries, involved parties should schedule a medical exam as soon as possible after leaving the accident scene, since there could be unknown damage.

Contact Local Law Enforcement

It is always a good idea to contact local law enforcement after a motorcycle accident, but it is especially vital if the accident results in injuries or substantial property damage. Law enforcement can report to the scene of the accident and collect evidence such as photographs, measurements, and witness testimony, all of which will be included in a police report. The police report often makes a determination of accident fault as well, which can be essential for an injury claim. Involved parties should ask for the police report number so that they or their insurance company can request a copy of the report.

Exchange Information

It is essential to exchange information with other involved parties in the immediate aftermath of a motorcycle accident. Drivers and motorcycle riders should exchange information such as driver’s license number, auto insurance policy, license plate number of involved vehicles, and personal contact information.

Gather Evidence From the Accident Scene

Evidence is always strongest right after a motorcycle accident, so if it is possible, individuals should collect evidence before leaving the site of the crash. Good sources of evidence include photos of the accident scene, photos of property damage, photos of injuries, and contact information for any accident witnesses.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Whether a motorcycle accident was caused by another driver or not, your own insurance company needs to be notified of the crash. Provide your insurance company with basic details of the crash, but do not admit fault for the collision, even if you are unsure if you contributed to the accident. It is important not to discuss the crash with other involved insurance companies, since any statements made can be used against you.

Call a Motorcycle Lawyer

When it comes to collecting a just settlement for a motorcycle injury claim, a knowledgeable motorcycle accident lawyer can make a huge difference. The faster that a lawyer begins working on a motorcycle accident claim, the more likely it is that they will be able to gather the evidence necessary to build a strong case of liability. We recommend that accident victims contact a motorcycle lawyer as soon as possible after a crash.

Contact Us

At Reed & Terry Law Firm, our lawyers have the knowledge and expertise to benefit victims of motorcycle accidents. To schedule a free case review at our law firm, send us a message online or call (281) 491-5000 at your earliest convenience.