Reed & Terry, L.L.P.

Uber, Lyft, and Rideshare Accidents: Your Legal Options After a Crash

Dec 11, 2023 @ 02:53 PM — by Jackson Reed
Tagged with: Car Accidents

Using Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare apps can be great for a night on the town or getting to and from the airport. Of course, there are many car crashes in and around Houston, TX, and even the safest Uber drivers can get into collisions for various reasons.

So if you are in a crash with a rideshare vehicle, what legal options do you have?

The legal team at Reed & Terry, L.L.P. would like to examine liability in auto accidents and how that applies to your legal options after getting into a car wreck.

Liability for a Crash in Texas

Liability essentially means that a person failed to exercise the type of care one would use to minimize harm to another person. Failing to stop at a red light would be a form of liability in a crash.

Modified Comparative Negligence

When it comes to getting legal damages following an accident, Texas follows a modified comparative fault rule. That means you can seek legal damages from another party as long as you were less than 51% responsible for the crash. The amount you were found to be at fault for the collision will be removed from the total amount of damages you are awarded.

Different Legal Options Based on the Crash

If you were in a rideshare crash in or around Houston, your legal options may vary a bit depending on the nature of the accident. Below are what parties commonly affected by accidents can do following an accident.

Legal Options for Drivers Hit by an Uber or Lyft

If you were hit by a negligent Uber or Lyft driver, you can file a personal injury claim against the negligent driver. The damages sought would cover the damage to your vehicle, medical expenses, and any changes to your quality of life.

The above also applies to bicyclists or pedestrians who were hit by a negligent driver.

Legal Options for Rideshare Passengers in a Crash

If you were a passenger in an Uber or Lyft at the time of an accident, you may be able to sue the liable party for damages. Whether it’s the rideshare driver, another motorist, or an automaker who designed a dangerous vehicle, the damages sought would cover medical expenses from injuries, damage to personal property, and the effect of your injuries on your future earning potential.

Legal Options for Uber Drivers Hit by Negligent Motorists

Uber and Lyft drivers can sue negligent motorists who were predominantly at fault for a crash. The rideshare company may not be able to assist you with litigation, which is why it’s important to speak with a lawyer about what happened as soon as you are able to do so.

How Our Law Firm Can Help

Reed & Terry has legal offices in Sugar Land, Richmond, Katy, and Victoria. We are ready to assist you following a rideshare crash.

We offer legal services without upfront retainer fees or attorney fees, which can help you get the legal counsel you need to recoup damages following an accident.

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