Reed & Terry, L.L.P.

Top 3 Myths about Rear End Car Accidents

Jul 23, 2018 @ 12:41 PM — by Jackson Reed
Tagged with: Car Accidents Auto Accidents Truck Accidents

Millions of Americans suffer personal injuries each year. While these injuries could take place at home, at work, or while traveling, the leading cause of personal injuries is car accidents.

Car accidents can lead to injuries that vary in severity. Some people suffer minor injuries and make a quick recovery; others require extensive medical treatment and have long-term disabilities.

One of the most common types of car accidents is rear end accidents. Here, the attorneys at Reed & Terry, L.L.P. go over some of the most common myths regarding rear end car accidents. If you have been injured in this type of accident, contact our practice, serving clients in Katy, TX and surrounding areas.

Myth #1: The Rear Driver Is Always at Fault

Most people think that a rear driver is always at fault in a rear end accident. While the following driver (or the one who hits another vehicle from behind) is almost always held at least partially responsible for a rear end accident, there are exceptions.

If the lead driver shows obvious signs of neglect, such as braking or reversing suddenly, driving a vehicle with broken brake lights, or failing to use hazard lights in the event of a vehicle malfunction, an experienced attorney can argue that these actions contributed to the car accident.

Since insurance companies are usually quick to assign blame to the rear driver, it is especially beneficial to seek legal representation when arguing against this presumption.

Myth #2: Rear End Accidents Don’t Cause Major Damage

Rear end accidents are commonly referred to as “fender benders,” which implies they aren’t really a serious concern. While many victims of rear end accidents are fortunate enough to walk away from these accidents with minor damage, that is not always the case.

Rear end accidents (especially those that take place at high speeds) can cause serious property damage as well as severe personal injuries. Because of where the impact of a rear end accident is focused, victims of these types of accidents are especially vulnerable to head, neck, and shoulder injuries.

One of the most common rear end accident injuries is whiplash. Whiplash damages the soft tissues of the neck and causes symptoms such as pain, stiffness, headaches, and dizziness. It sometimes takes days or weeks for the symptoms of whiplash to develop, so it is important for those involved in a rear end accident to seek medical attention, even if they are not experiencing any obvious symptoms.

It is especially important to schedule a medical exam before agreeing to any accident settlement so that any necessary treatment can be accounted for in the agreement.

Myth #3: I Don’t Need an Attorney

In many cases, assigning liability in a rear end accident is pretty straightforward. If liability is clear, most people assume there is no need to get attorneys involved.

However, even if a driver’s insurance company agrees to accept blame, that doesn’t mean they will provide adequate compensation for damages. It is always a good idea to work with an experienced auto accident attorney following a rear end collision.

Learn More

If you have been injured in a rear end accident that was caused by the reckless or negligent actions of another driver, you have a right to seek financial compensation for your losses. To learn more about your legal rights following a car crash, contact us at your earliest convenience.