Reed & Terry, L.L.P.

Car Accidents and Citations

Mar 19, 2019 @ 02:27 PM — by Jackson Reed
Tagged with: Car Accidents Auto Accidents

After some car accidents, a police officer will issue a traffic citation to one or more drivers involved. If you were in an accident and the other driver was cited for a traffic violation, you may be wondering what impact that might have on your personal injury claim.

If a driver violates a traffic law, it may constitute negligence. Thus, a citation can provide evidence that the other driver was at fault. The personal injury attorneys at Reed & Terry help car accident victims prove the other motorist was at fault and secure compensation to cover their expenses. Read on to learn more about car accidents and citations, and then contact our Richmond, TX practice to schedule a time to come in for a case review.

Types of Citations Issued in Texas Car Accidents

A citation, or traffic ticket, is a document issued by a police officer notifying a person that he or she has violated a traffic law. A police officer who reports to an accident scene will not always issue a citation. However, if it is clear that a driver did not follow the rules of the road, they may be ticketed for any of the following:

How Citations Can Be Used to Establish Fault in an Accident

In Texas, it is legally required that the individuals in an accident call the police to the scene after a crash. Even if the accident is not severe, the police will examine the scene, write a report, and determine if any traffic laws have been violated.

Citations are a valuable piece of evidence that can be used in personal injury cases to prove who was at fault in an accident. Citations can demonstrate that the individual who has been ticketed acted negligently and that his or her negligence was to blame for the accident and any resulting injuries or property damage.

How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help You Secure Compensation

Often, the responding police officer will not issue a citation at the scene of the accident. This is due in part to the fact that the officer was not there to witness the crash. However, if the physical evidence, statements from eyewitnesses, and other evidence is strong enough, the responsible driver may be ticketed.

Generally, the insurance company for the at-fault driver will do what they can to pay as little possible to the victim. However, a traffic citation can help by establishing that the other driver was responsible for your injury.

Our attorneys understand how traffic citations fit into the big picture for your accident case. We will use tickets, along with other evidence, to build a case and help you receive the maximum amount of compensation possible for your injury.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

Not only are car accidents emotionally and physically traumatic, they can affect you from a financial standpoint. To discuss your car accident case with a trusted attorney, contact our law office online or call us at (281) 201-0988.