Reed & Terry, L.L.P.

Car Accidents While Driving for Work

Sep 2, 2020 @ 01:18 PM — by Jackson Reed
Tagged with: Car Accidents Auto Accidents Truck Accidents

Car accidents that take place while driving for work present a special type of headache. People are often unsure of who is responsible for covering accident damages and what insurance provider they will be working with. Here, the car accident lawyers at Reed & Terry, L.L.P. answer some common questions that drivers in Sugar Land, TX, Katy, TX, Richmond, TX and surrounding areas are likely to have following a car accident involving work. 

What Should I Do After the Accident?

The first priority should always be to attend to any injuries. Then, if immediate medical attention is not required, drivers should:

If you are on the clock when this accident occurs, the next step is to contact your employer. It is important that the employer knows an accident has taken place so that appropriate paperwork can be filed and the employer’s insurance company can be alerted. 

Will My Employer’s Insurance Cover Accident Damages?

If an employee is involved in an accident while driving a company car, and they are either partially or completely at-fault for the collision, their employer’s insurance company will be responsible for covering accident damages. Two types of insurance will come into play: workers’ compensation and liability insurance.

What If the Accident Wasn’t My Fault?

If a person is involved in an accident while driving for work and the collision is not their fault, they may be due compensation from both their employer’s insurance company and the insurance company of the at-fault driver. However, drivers should be aware that they cannot collect the same type of compensation twice. So if the at-fault driver’s insurance company provides compensation for medical bills, employees are not entitled to collect medical expense reimbursement from workers’ compensation.

What If I Was Driving My Own Car While Working?

In most cases, if our Sugar Land clients are driving their own vehicle for work when an accident occurs they will need to rely on their private insurance provider for accident coverage. People who regularly drive their own vehicle for work should speak to their insurance company to see if they offer a “rider” policy.

What If I Was Driving To or From Work When the Accident Occurred?

Even if someone is driving a company car, their employer’s insurance will usually not cover accidents that occur while they are driving to or from work. An employer’s insurance will cover accidents that take place while performing work duties (i.e. making deliveries) or when they are driving to a work meeting or off-site job location during working hours.

Learn More

If you’ve been involved in an accident while driving for work, the lawyers at Reed & Terry, L.L.P. can help you determine who is responsible for accident damages. To discuss your situation with our lawyers in further detail, send us a message as soon as possible or call our Sugar Land law firm at 281-201-0988.